The atmosphere of studying in college is certainly different when you are still in high school. College is exciting, as long as you know how.
Well,for those of you who have got a new campus, and are preparing to go to college, here are 9 things you must know and do before entering the world of college. Let’s check it out!
Find a comfortable
place If your campus is outside the city you live in, you should immediately look for boarding houses or places to stay during your college. Look for a comfortable place, in the sense that the atmosphere supports you to learn. If possible look for those close to the campus, making your college activities easier. It is also more cost-effective because there is no need to get out a lot of transportation costs.
But, if your campus is in the city, meaning you live with family, then you must immediately clean up the contents of your room. Clean, tidy, and organize your room, to make it more comfortable to learn
Learning to make notes
Taking notes is one of the keys to success in college. If you have a complete record in each course, you won’t bother studying. So, start learning to take notes. There are many effective ways to take notes, such as the outline method, the Cornell method, the mind map method, the flow method, or the slide writing method. In addition, the media to take notes also do not have to use books and stationery, can also make notes digitally which will certainly make it easier for you to access the notes.
Time disciplineWell,this one is also the key to college success.
However, the temptation to go to college is sometimes very difficult to resist. Because, the courses are not too crowded in the first semester makes a lot of free time. Remember, don’t make mistakes at the beginning of the college semester by ignoring your study time. So, for that you must start learning to be disciplined in managing learning time.
Responsibility in college one hundred percent is in your own hands. A simple example, being present in the classroom during college or not ditching college. This is one form of your responsibility. In addition, you also have to learn to be responsible for many things during your college, especially if you live alone aka being a boarding school child.
Get used to reading
the student must read a lot of books. But don’t just read the title, Gaes! Usually, before giving assignments, lecturers will ask students to read some literature. Well, if you’re used to reading books, you won’t have any trouble facing this challenge.
Become a volunteer
If on campus you have a program to volunteer and community service you should follow. Volunteering will add value if you want to apply for a scholarship. In addition, this experience will also give you social skills, which will certainly help your career in the future.
Learning to write essays
Being a student also means being able to write essays. So, start learning to write essays with logical and scientific arguments. This will really help you when there is an assignment from the lecturer, and especially when you are doing the final task or thesis.
Actively organized
Organizing will greatly develop your soft skills. Therefore, be involved in student organizations, both on and off campus. This organizational experience will certainly be very rewarding. However, keep in mind that the organization does activities outside of lecture hours. Because your main and first goal is college.
last discussion you have to learn is to discuss. Students are synonymous with scientific discussion. Discussions will hone the way of thinking and learn to express opinions orally in front of many people. Nah, usually lecturers will also give assignments to present something in front of the class. If you are used to discussing this challenge, you will easily skip it.
So, those are the 9 things you must prepare before entering the gate of college. Good luck!